(713) 306-8700 rick@rickmgoldberg.com

Jury Selection

Identifying high-risk potential jurors.

Focus is on systematic juror “de-selection” through identifying high-risk individuals and helping remove them from your panel. Both quantitative and qualitative measures are used to quickly assess and identify the highest risk jurors in your venire. Utilizing years of experience, we help eliminate negative juror bias from the panel, through:

  • Consultation on jury selection strategy.
  • The development of a high-risk juror profile specifically addressing the attitudes, experiences, and demographic characteristics detrimental to your case.
  • The creation of a Supplemental Juror Questionnaire.
  • The scoring and analysis of Supplemental Juror Questionnaires using a coding software.
  • Artfully crafted voir dire questions designed to maximize learning in the most efficient manner possible.
  • In court voir dire assistance. Systematic and efficient collection of juror responses which frees you to focus on questioning and building rapport with your panel.
  • Provide trial jury monitoring.