Judith Flores
Director of Field Research
Judith and her team collects edits, processes, and coordinates research data in support of a case related research study or group of studies. She also arranges and conducts field interviews as appropriate to the study, and records research data in accordance with specified protocol and procedures.
- Conducts completion of field services activities, data collection administration and provides front line supervision and administration for recruitment and execution of in-depth interviews, focus groups, mock trials, online discussion boards, and online surveys.
- Participates in project planning and scheduling of outreach efforts and survey administration to recruit, schedule, re-screen, and confirm research respondents.
- Assists in the development and programming of screeners, surveys for live, online or telephone administration and in the testing of survey instruments and screeners.
- Works with our head of research to prepare contact lists for research project surveys.
- Provides support to focus group, mock trials, online discussion groups and other qualitative projects including meeting research recruitment quotas and deadlines, confirming participants, re-screening and/or assisting as directed.
- Manages data collection and survey administration efforts for research studies. Conducts briefing with interviewers to train on study objectives, scripts, call lists and protocols, etc.
- Conducts monitoring of interviewers and outreach goals, interacting with interviewers while the study is conducted.